Municipal Districts

Municipal Boundaries
Election Districts(info)
Legislative Districts(info)
School Districts(info)
Agricultural Districts(info)
Municipal Zoning
Census Block Groups(info)
Census Tracts(info)

Water Resources

Base Flood Elevations(info)
FEMA Adopted Flood Hazards(info)
Previous FEMA FIRM Q3(info)
MS4 Storm Water Areas(info)
Freshwater Wetlands(info)
National Wetlands Inventory(info)
Tidal Wetlands(info)
Aquifers (DOH)(info)
NYC Watershed(info)
Watershed NHD HUC10(info)

Geology & Soils

Bedrock Geology(info)
Surficial Geology(info)
Hydric Soils(info)
Prime & Important Soils(info)

Ecological Data

Habitat Cores(info)
Bird Conservation(info)
Significant Coastal Wildlife(info)
Biologically Important Areas(info)
Ecological Zones(info)

Tourism / Recreation

Recreation Areas

To measure:
Select a tool below (area or length)

Then on the map:
Single-click to Start measurement
Double-click to End measurement

Clear Measurements

Click on a parcel to view property details

If this area is stays blank, refresh (F5) the page until you see the map

Create PDF & Print

Pop-up Blocking must be disabled for this site. After clicking Print, wait for Printout link to appear


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Copy/Paste the text below for a link to this map.

ft Buffer

We are currently planning a redevelopment of Parcel Viewer that will be usable on both PC and mobile devices. We would like to hear any feedback you have or any requests for additional enhancements you would find useful. Let us know!

With Parcel Viewer you can:

  • search for parcels by owner name, address or parcel number
  • Zoom in to see parcel boundaries, then activate the info tool and click on a parcel to get summary information as well as links to:
    • Complete Parcel Information
    • Street Level Imagery
    • Aerial Imagery
  • activate the "Select Parcels" tool to select multiple parcels for data download and/or buffering
  • Export table information about selected parcels to CSV for use in Microsoft Excel

If you would like to download GIS data, it can be found at Ulster County's GIS Data Page. If you want to learn more about the assessments, please visit NYS Real Property Tax Services

Map Navigation

Mouse wheel forward to zoom in
Mouse wheel backward to zoom out
SHIFT + drag the mouse to draw a box and zoom in
SHIFT + CTRL + drag the mouse to zoom out
Use arrow keys to pan
Use + key to zoom in a level
Use - key to zoom out a level

Search Bar

This bar allows for searching of parcels by parcel number, address or owner name. Results will be displayed on the map as well as a table at the bottom of the page. If your search returns minimal or 0 results, try searching by owner last name, street name or limiting to section-block.

Top Tools

Zooms to Ulster County
Zooms to your last extent
Zooms to your next extent if your have used the Previous Extent button
Show individual parcel information, with links to additional data
Allows you to select parcel(s) for table export and buffering
Opens the Help Box & additional map information

Opens the Export and Print window.
Choose between 8.5x11 Portrait or Landscape view.

Left Sidebar Tools

Choose between different types of thematic basemaps.
Choose map layers to overlay on top of basemaps.
Measure distances, areas or get XY coordinates.
After opening this tab, when a parcel is clicked, this window shows individual parcel details with links to imagery and complete parcel data.

Grid Tools

Downloads all search results into a CSV file for use in Microsoft Excel.
Downloads only highlighted search results into a CSV file for use in Microsoft Excel.
Buffers highlighted parcels by the set distance and selects all parcels that fall within the buffer area(s).
Removes any present buffer graphics.
DISCLAIMER: The information included on this map has been compiled by Ulster County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. Ulster County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information.

The lot lines shown on this map are intended for tax administration purposes only and are not intended for use in the conveyance of title. Ulster County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of Ulster County.