Elected Officials - Disclosure Forms

Pursuant to the Ulster County Ethics Law, Section 44-7 (L) (Annual Disclosure Forms) - Disclosure forms subject to Public Officers Law Article 6 ("Freedom of Information Law"). Ethics disclosure forms of County elected officials (County Executive, District Attorney, Sheriff, County Clerk, Comptroller and Legislators) shall be posted on the Ulster County Board of Ethics website. 

2022 Annual Statements of Financial Disclosure

Jen Metzger, Ulster County Executive

Nina Postupack, Ulster County Clerk

March Gallagher, Ulster County Comptroller

David Clegg, Ulster County District Attorney

Juan Figueroa, Ulster County Sheriff

Aaron Levine, Ulster County Legislator

Abe Uchitelle, Ulster County Legislator

Brian Cahill, Ulster County Legislator

Chris Hewitt, Ulster County Legislator

Craig Lopez, Ulster County Legislator

Dean Fabiano, Ulster County Legislator

Eric Stewart, Ulster County Legislator

Eve Walter, Ulster County Legislator

Gina Hansut, Ulster County Legislator

Herbert Litts, Ulster County Legislator

John Gavaris, Ulster County Legislator

Jonathan Heppner, Ulster County Legislator

Joseph Maloney, Ulster County Legislator

Kathy Nolan, Ulster County Legislator

Kenneth Ronk, Ulster County Legislator

Kevin Roberts, Ulster County Legislator

Laura Petit, Ulster County Legislator

Manna Jo Greene, Ulster County Legislator

Megan Sperry, Ulster County Legislator

Peter Criswell, Ulster County Legislator

Phil Erner, Ulster County Legislator

Thomas Corcoran, Ulster County Legislator

Tracey Bartels, Ulster County Legislator

Tricia Bowen, Ulster County Legislator

 2021 Annual Statements of Financial Disclosure

Patrick K. Ryan, Ulster County Executive

Nina Postupack, Ulster County Clerk

March Gallagher, Ulster County Comptroller

David Clegg, Ulster County District Attorney

Juan Figueroa, Ulster County Sheriff

Aaron Levine, UC Legislator

Abraham Uchitelle, UC Legislator

Brian Cahill, UC Legislator

Chris Hewitt, UC Legislator

Craig Lopez, UC Legislator

Dean Fabiano, UC Legislator

Eric Stewart, UC Legislator

Eve Walter, UC Legislator

Gina Hansut, UC Legislator

Herbert Litts, UC Legislator

John Gavaris, UC Legislator

Johnathan Heppner, UC Legislator

Joseph Maloney, UC Legislator

Kathy Nolan, UC Legislator

Kenneth Ronk, UC Legislator

Kevin Roberts, UC Legislator

Laura Petit, UC Legislator

Manna Jo Greene, UC Legislator

Megan Sperry, UC Legislator

Peter Criswell, UC Legislator

Philip Erner, UC Legislator

Thomas Corcoran, UC Legislator

Tracy Bartels, UC Legislator