GUIDELINES & FACT SHEET - (link is external)Updated 9/30/2024
FOOD WASTE WAIVER FORM (link is external)- Updated 9/27/2023(link is external)
FOOD WASTE DISPUTE OF STATUS FORM(link is external) - Updated 9/27/2023
ANNUAL REPORT Template: Available at https://ucrra.org/waste-recycling/annual-recycling-report/ (link is external)
Annual Implementation Timeline
September - October
- Regulated Large Food Scraps Generators notified of status by the County
- List of regulated generators published on the County’s webpage
- Waiver or Dispute of Status applications (if applicable) due to the County
- Large Food Scraps Generators required to begin separating food scraps from the general waste stream
- Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency (UCRRA) sends Annual Waste & Recycling Report information and report template to regulated entities
- Annual Waste & Recycling Reports due to UCCRA (for the previous reporting year), to include the amounts of food donated and food scraps recycled per the requirements of the law. Report information available at: https://ucrra.org/waste-recycling/annual-recycling-report/(link is external)