2023 Schedule of Examinations

Click on the Examination Title below to see the Examination Announcement

The page was last updated on May 10, 2023 - See New Exams Announced on the Chart Below!!

Applicable study guides for some examinations may be found at the New York State Department of Civil Service Website(link is external)

Key to Abbreviations:
(oc)=open competitive, (prom)=promotion, (idp)=interdepartmental promotion, (t&e)=training and experience 

Examination Number Title Type Last File Date Examination Date
61702 Constable(link is external) (oc) 6/13/23 7/15/23
73504 Probation Director (Group B)(link is external) (prom) 5/16/23 6/24/23
73470 Deputy Probation Director (Group B)(link is external) (prom) 5/16/23 6/24/23
73506 Probation Supervisor 1(link is external) (prom) 5/16/23 6/24/23
73462 Probation Officer 2/Senior Probation Officer(link is external)


5/16/23 6/24/23
63450 Correction Officer(link is external)



5/12/23 See Exam Announcement
76264 Sheriff's Fiscal Assistant II(link is external) (prom) 5/19/23 6/10/23
76258 Personnel Analyst Trainee(link is external) (prom) 5/19/23 6/10/23
65875 Assistant Public Health Engineer(link is external) (oc) 5/9/23 6/10/23
61364 Public Health Engineer Trainee(link is external) (oc) 5/9/23 6/10/23
65882 Senior Public Health Engineer(link is external) (oc) 5/9/23 6/10/23
77155 Environmental Health Manager(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
77331 Public Health Sanitarian(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
77220 Senior Public Health Sanitarian(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
72665 Case Supervisor, Grade B(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
72693 Senior Caseworker(link is external) (idp) 5/9/23 6/10/23
77382 Deputy Sheriff - Detective(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
77362 Deputy Sheriff - First Sergeant(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
77431 Police Sergeant(link is external) (prom) 5/9/23 6/10/23
73818 HUD Section 8 Program Supervisor(link is external) (prom) 2/2/23 3/4/23
60186 HUD Section 8 Program Assistant(link is external) (oc) 2/2/23 3/4/23
78376 Emergency Services Dispatcher II(link is external) (prom) 1/20/23 2/25/23

Emergency Services Dispatcher Trainee(link is external)

(title currently used at UC Emergency Comm/Emergency Mgmt Dept)

(oc) 1/20/23 2/25/23

Emergency Services Dispatcher(link is external)

(title currently used at UC Sheriff's Office)

(oc) 1/20/23 2/25/23

Dispatcher(link is external)

(title currently used in UC Towns and Villages)

(oc) 1/20/23 2/25/23
76852 Principal Account Clerk(link is external) (idp) 1/10/23 2/11/23
65372 Principal Account Clerk(link is external) (oc) 1/10/23 2/11/23
76853 Senior Account Clerk(link is external) (idp) 1/10/23 2/11/23
65374 Senior Account Clerk(link is external) (oc) 1/10/23 2/11/23
76908 Senior Account Clerk/Typist(link is external) (idp) 1/10/23 2/11/23
65396 Senior Account Clerk/Typist(link is external) (oc) 1/10/23 2/11/23
73746 Accountant(link is external) (idp) 12/20/22 1/28/23
67319 Accountant(link is external) (oc) 12/20/22 1/28/23
65259 Inventory and Property Control Specialist(link is external) (oc) 12/20/22 1/28/23
73948 Junior Accountant(link is external) (idp) 12/20/22 1/28/23
67340 Junior Accountant(link is external) (oc) 12/20/22 1/28/23
60885 Principal Buyer(link is external) (oc) 12/20/22 1/28/23
63933 Buyer(link is external) (oc) 12/20/22 1/28/23
73477 Principal Buyer(link is external) (prom) 12/20/22 1/28/23
64155 Purchasing Assistant(link is external) (oc) 12/20/22 1/28/23
78421 Director of Facilities I(link is external) (prom) 12/14/22 1/28/23
78523 Director of Facilities II(link is external) (prom) 12/14/22 1/28/23
78437 Director of Facilities III(link is external) (prom) 12/14/22 1/28/23

For Your Information: 

Applications are available on-line or at the Ulster County Personnel Department Monday through Friday during the hours between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the following address:

Ulster County Personnel Department
County Office Building, 244 Fair Street
Kingston, NY 12402

You may also mail a self-addressed stamped envelope with your request; however, if you do request forms by mail, please allow sufficient time to be sure you meet any announced filing deadlines.